February Full Moon and Simple Full Moon Ritual

February Full Moon and Simple Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Time & Date
February, 16th at 10:59 am for the Northern Hemisphere

Moon ceremonies are like resolutions, except you do them many times over the year, not just once a year like a New Years Resolution. Also, you don't have to be spiritual to do a moon ritual. You just have to have an open heart and a yearning for self-care and self-love. These rituals also don't have to be complicated. Here are some simple things that you can do as a full moon ritual.

1. Wait until it's dark and the moon is large and full.
2. Clear your space of distractions. Bedroom? Bathroom? Office?Go where you can be undisturbed.
3. Light a candle. You can also choose to burn incense or sage in addition to the candle.
4. Let the moonlight in! Open the curtains. Keep the lights off in order to connect more intimately with the sky and moon.
5. Write down what you want to release and attract in the next 30 days.
5. After you finished writing, hold that paper for a moment and let what you wrote fill your heart. And when you are ready, burn it. Always do this in a safe way. Over a large bowl of water or basin, or a sink or tub.


February Is Known As The Snow Moon

This comes from many sources, including Native American Tribes, Early Colonial Americans and even some Europeans. The Snow Moon is named because February is usually the snowiest month of the year. Some Native American tribes also call it the Hunger Moon because food becomes more scarce this time of the year.

We offer a modest selection of ritual items in our store!

Incense Gift Set
Sage Smudge Set of 3
Rose Gold Journaling Pen
Hand Stamped Kraft Journal with Pocket



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